
Nadar presents a multi-layered musical and visual discourse, with avatars as main characters.

Georges Méliès, L’Homme Orchestre (1900)
Simon Steen-Andersen, Study for string instrument #1 (2007)
Serge Verstockt, A la Recherche de temps (1995)
Simon Steen-Andersen, Study for string instrument #3 (2011)
Stefan Prins, Generation Kill (2012)
Marx Brothers, Mirror Scene from Duck Soup (1933)
Michael Beil, Exit to enter (2013) (Stage direction: Thierry Brühl)

Other versions with:
Michael Beil, Key Jack (2017)
Pierre Jodlowski, Outer space (2018)
Stefan Prins, Generation Kill – Offspring 1 (2012)
Simon Steen-Andersen, Study for string instrument #2 (2009)

Short notes
In his 1900 short film “l’Homme Orchestre”, movie pionier Georges Méliès manages to conjure up six doppelgängers of himself, due to meticulous preparation and hours of montage. With today’s technology, we can (virtually) double ourselves easily. With today’s technology, we can (virtually) double ourselves easily. We chat with friends from other continents via Skype, while on Facebook checking in in our favorite bar around the corner. Meanwhile, we effortlessly maintain several versions of our identity, from our Tinder or LinkedIn profiles to the actual, tangeable person our loved ones know. In Doppelgänger, Nadar presents a multi-layered musical and visual discourse, with avatars as main characters. Whereas the pieces by Simon Steen-Andersen and Serge Verstockt set a magic atmosphere, Michael Beil creates a more gloomy wonderland, full of Lynchian alienation. Finally, with Generation Kill, Stefan Prins leads us to the dark side of the wondrous technology.

Marieke Berendsen violin, scenography
Nico Couck e-guitar
Katrien Gaelens flute, game controller
Yves Goemaere percussion
Robin Goossens business manager
Wannes Gonnissen sound
Pieter Matthynssens cello, artistic director
Elisa Medinilla piano, game controller
Thomas Moore game controller, trombone
Stefan Prins artistic director
Dries Tack clarinet, game controller
Veerle Vervoort production

The video for A la Recherche du Temps was produced by ChampdAction in 2016.
Video and sound: Serge Verstockt & Istvan Leel-össy,
Video art: Koen They.

Exit to Enter
Generation Kill
Key Jack
Study For String Instrument #1
Study For String Instrument #3
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